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Voici la quinzième partie de cette série de jeux d'horreur 3 pour 1 et voici les titres: - Narcolepsyum Vous êtes dans une maison avec un fantôme qui vous empêche de trouver les reliques sacrées. - The crypte terror Le roi ordonne que vous descendiez dans une crotte pour investigué les bruits entendu et très bizarre. - Peter's house Vous aidez une personne qui demande de l'aider dans son déménagement.

Thanks for playing!

Hello Prou9, do you know what song was used in the title screen of the game?

Hi, I used this horror song with a low pitch:

This was a good game experience, but there is a lot of bugs! I understand you made this in only 2 weeks! Hope you can fix those bugs for future ppl to try your game:

One of the biggest bugs I had is after I got caught the first time the game was bugged as I restarted directly, there was no key to bey found no artifacts! Literally the entire house was empty from interactable items, even the mosnter was gone the second plathrough (Did not include it on the video).

The monster seems somentimes unaware of you even if you are near them! I dunno if this works on sound or vision to detect you (You can see this on the video).

At the start, the game told me I was sleeping!! What does that mean?


First of all, thanks for playing and for the review.
Fortunately, nothing you mention is a bug, let me explain:

- When the enemy catches you, the game restarts from the initial point.
- Key has a random spawn (5-6 differents).
- Artifacts appears only after opening the attic door.
- Enemy starts her way from the attic, so if you don't open it, you won't be able to see her (because she is there). She works through her vision to detect you, so if you are in front of her, she will chase you (i did it this way to make the game easier due to the tight rooms).
- Instructions clearly say that you have to press "Left Click" to prevent your eyes from closing. If you don't press the click for a short time, your player will fall asleep for about 5 seconds and you won't be able to walk (it's narcoleptic).


Thank your explanations xD! Unfortunately, it is a bug: After the game restarted for me, and I could not find the key, I figured I could find it in another place, so I did search for it! No where to be found, here the attic was already open from the last playthrough before it restarted, it did not work as intended by your explanations here! I literally had the whole house with nothing inside, no key, no enemy to be found and the attic is open already.

I did not see the instructions for closing the eyes to prevent the character from sleeping but I did figure it by randomly pressing Left Click, I thought it is related to the flashlight because if you watch the video it seems the light faded right as I stepped on that needle on the ground on the stairs! 

All in all, it is a nice game! I liked the concept; just not how she (the enemy) is blind to me literally being in front of her many times haha! I know how I did not got spotted there! I hope these comments and feedback is helpful for you to fix those little bugs!

Sure, your comments are helpful :).

Getting back to the bug issue, you didn't mention the opened attic door(without the key) in your first comment, so I thought it was closed. Can you please send the video with this error to find out what happened? Because I didn't get any report about this error. Thanks again bro!

I liked where it was going, but there's some bugs in it that caused some issues with gameplay like walls that don't block the player.

Thanks for playing! I made this game in 2 weeks as part of a Unity development course. I was aware of the walls bug, but couldn't find a quick fix to get around it.
The bug specifically occurs when you collide with 2 colliders at the same time (for example object/wall or wall/wall).

i love the game man keep up the good work man

Thanks a lot!🤗


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